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C54400 Phosphor Bronze
CDA 544, CA54400, ASTM B139, QQ-B-750 AMD 2, SAE J461, TEMPER HARD DRAWN H04

* Hardness typical for 1" Hard (25%) Temper

**Mechanical Properties are typical for 1" Half Hard (20%) Temper

The values listed above represent reasonable approximations suitable for general engineering use. Due to commercial variations in composition and to manufacturing limitations, they should not be used for specification purposes. See applicable ASTM specification references.


C54400 PHOSPHOR BRONZE is an excellent wrought material for use in the manufacture of bearings. C54400 Phosphor Bronze is also free cutting due to its nominal 3.5% lead content. When annealed, the metal can be bent, formed, blanked and stamped. Like other phosphor bronze alloys, it is known for its toughness, strength, low coefficient of friction and fine grain. The alloy is also resistant to fatigue, wear, and chemical corrosion. C54400 Phosphor Bronze conforms to specification ASTM B139

C54400 Phosphor Bronze ASTM B139
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