& Metals, Inc.
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C63000 Nickel Aluminum Bronze
CDA 630, CA63000, AMS 4640, ASME SB150, ASTM B150, ASTM B154, QQ-C-450 C AMD 1, ASME SB171, ASTM B171
*Mechanical Properties are typical for 1" rod Half Hard (10%) Temper
**Test values are nominal approximations and depend on specimen size and orientation.
The values listed above represent reasonable approximations suitable for general engineering use. Due to commercial variations in composition and to manufacturing limitations, they should not be used for specification purposes. See applicable ASTM specification references.
C63000 NICKEL ALUMINUM BRONZE is an excellent choice for applications involving heavy loads, adhesive wear, friction, abrasive wear, and corrosion. The addition of nickel increases the alloys strength without diminishing its excellent ductility, toughness and corrosion resistance. Alloy C63000 nickel aluminum bronze has gained wide acceptance in the aircraft industry for severe landing gear service in products such as strut bearings, main pistons, trunnion bearings and similar vital components. C63000 Nickel Aluminum Bronze conforms to specifications ASTM B150, AMS 4640, SAE J463, QQ-C-465B, ASME SB150, ASTM B-150, B-124, B-171, B-283, ASME SB171, ASTM B171, QQ-C-450 Class A
C63000 Nickel Aluminum bronze is used for Hydraulic Bushings for Earth Moving Equipment, Corrosion Resistant Articles, Bushings, Bearings, Heat Exchanger Flanges, Heat Exchanger Headers, Tanks, Valve Balls, Structural Members, Pump Shafts, Aircraft Parts, Valve Guides, Plunger Tips, Welded Piping Systems, Balls, Gears, Cams, Pump Parts, Shafting, Condenser Tube for Power Stations and Desalting Units and Valve Seats.